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Daca un strungar greseste, in cel mai rau caz va reface piesa, dar daca un coach greseste…

„Coach-ul este acela care te ajuta sa cresti, fie ca vorbim despre dezoltare profesionala, personala sau «tu cu tine»”

Nivelul ridicat de self-awareness este cel mai puternic indicator de succes, Martie 2015
Vorbim despre dezvoltarea de competenţe, despre cultura organizaţională, atunci când ne gândim la creşterea performanţei oamenilor (bineînţeles mai sunt şi altele ca: sisteme, proceduri etc). Şi apoi ne apucăm să căutăm furnizori de training şi coaching care să poată acoperi aceste „goluri”.
E bine şi aşa decât deloc. Doar că, aşa cum medicina de multe ori tratează simptomele şi nu cauza, vom bandaja rana, sperând să se vindece singură. Şi surpriză, în 99% dintre cazuri nu se întâmplă! Cauza este mult mai profundă şi mult mai greu de „rezolvat” decât printr-un plasture numit training de comunicare, să zicem.

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Napoleon vs. Nelson – A battle won by Effective Followers

Napoleon: 33 ships

Nelson: 27 ships

Napoleon: lost 22 ships

Nelson: lost none!

We all know about the battle of Trafalgar: a naval battle in which the English fleet under the renowned leadership of Admiral Horatio Viscount Nelson soundly defeated a larger French and Spanish force under the leadership of French Admiral Pierre de Villeneuve. More importantly, this battle, fought on October 21, 1805, was the most pivotal naval battle of the 19th Century because it ended Napoleon’s hopes of invading England. Continuă să citești

Bad Organization? Bad Leader? Or Both?

bad„Banking giant Credit Suisse has just plead guilty to criminal wrongdoing. It plead guilty to enabling thousands of Americans who did business with the bank to hide their wealth. OK, now what? The bank will in fact be penalized: it will have to pay a penalty of $2.6 billion. Moreover its reputation will at least briefly be tarnished. But it is unlikely otherwise much to suffer, certainly over the long term. More to the point, the bank, the organization, is an abstraction. What does it even mean to say that a bank, an organization, has been punished, penalized?
Meantime the man who has lead Credit Suisse since 2007, Brady Dougan, goes unpunished. He is not penalized. To be sure, it’s likely he’s suffered some. It’s likely he has felt some shame, some embarrassment, some humiliation. But that’s it. Not only is he not legally penalized, he is not organizationally penalized. He remains in the wake of this outrage, this conviction of wrongdoing, the chief executive officer of Credit Suisse.
Let me be clear about this: unless and until people are clearly and publicly punished – legally and otherwise – we can count on the wrongdoing to continue. For whatever the nature of the legal infraction you can be sure about one thing: it was committed not by institutions but by individuals.”

Content extracted from a article by Barbara Kellerman.

Qipa supports UniCredit Tiriac Bank, UniCredit and HOSPICE Casa Sperantei

Qipa supports UniCredit Tiriac Bank, UniCredit and HOSPICE Casa Sperantei on the 2nd edition of the “1000 Balkan Charity Challenge”

  • The 2nd edition of the “1000 Balkan Charity Challenge”, the unique charity multi-day cross-country ultra-duathlon, is taking place between 1 and 11 November 2013. The participants run and cycle through over 1000km on the territory of Romania and Bulgaria.
  • Qipa, next to other companies and individuals contributes to the 18 social causes (12 in Romania and 6 in Bulgaria) supported this year. Qipa participation refers to sponsoring Florin Nastase’s participation: subscription fee, equipment, accommodation, food and transport.

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